A baked oatmeal recipe using fruit, rolled oats, nuts, and spices.
Author: Heidi Swanson
Cinnamon-nut streusel tops an orange-scented muffin packed with cranberries and pecans-at every altitude, this is an unbeatable combination.
Author: Susan G. Purdy
Author: Ian Knauer
Author: Sheri Castle
To heighten the toffee flavor, substitute toffee baking bits for half of the chopped almonds.
Author: Barbara Grunes
Author: Gina Marie Miraglia Eriquez
Author: Tom Douglas
This deep-dish crumb-topped pie combines several winter fruits and confirms that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. The pears become soft, the apples remain slightly firm, the figs add texture...
Author: Cory Schreiber
Author: Robert Aikens
Author: Rozanne Gold
Author: Allison Vines-Rushing
Author: Chris Lilly
The dairy-free secret to this easy fudge's creaminess? Avocado. The key to a firmly set but fudgy texture is using bittersweet chocolate with minimum 60% cacao.
Author: Chris Morocco
A quick and easy Persimmon Cake with Cream Cheese Icing recipe
Author: David Lebovitz
Drying out the challah lets it absorb the custard without going to mush. You can also use brioche.
Author: Paula Disbrowe
Rompope is served chilled, often over ice, but it can be served warm, which is how I prefer it when cold weather sets in. Either way, it's rich, velvety, fragrant, and certainly full of cheer.
Author: María Del Mar Sacasa
Author: Julie Richardson
Author: Crescent Dragonwagon
Author: Larraine Perri
Author: Cindy Mushet
Author: Lidia Matticchio Bastianich
Author: Krystina Castella
Author: Kendall Conrad
Brown butter, infused with vanilla, adds a bewitching silkiness to the fruit that's tucked beneath the crumbly topping.
Author: Holly Smith
Author: Jeff Koehler
Author: Joyce Carol Oates
Author: Joanne Chang
Author: Shelley Wiseman
Author: Joyce Goldstein
Author: Myra Goodman
Here is a jewel of an Afghani dish. It is one I cook regularly, sometimes with shoulder of lamb instead of chicken thighs. I serve it with slow-cooked spinach, finished with leeks and a minuscule amount...
Author: Tamasin Day-Lewis
Author: Molly Stevens
Author: Melissa Roberts
Author: Larraine Perri
Author: Sarma Melngailis
Author: Gina Marie Miraglia Eriquez
You've got a lot of cookies to make, so do yourself a favor and clear some freezer space. Many doughs can be made as far as a month ahead if wrapped properly. (That means airtight! In plastic!) Logs of...
Author: Alison Roman
Author: Ruth Cousineau
Author: Gina Marie Miraglia Eriquez
A plate of fresh herbs is served at most Persian meals, often taking the place of a salad. Serve this dish as an appetizer, or do as the Persians do and leave it on the table throughout the meal. Toasted...
Author: Louisa Shafia
Author: Viet Pham
Author: Gina Marie Miraglia Eriquez
Author: Amelia Saltsman
Author: Jennifer Jones
Author: Allison Vines-Rushing